Another day of development, tired and satisfied.
A new update on Saphyra will be posted soon.
A mnemonic for (major) key signatures. “Last sharp plus one”: 4 sharps (F♯ C♯ G♯ D♯) is D+1 = E major (or C♯ minor). “Last flat but one”: 3 flats (B♭ E♭ A♭) is in — second from last — E♭ major (or C minor). From a teacher of mine.
Last sharp plus one; last flat but one.
If an owl is a “cat-headed eagle”, then a griffin is an “eagle-headed cat”.
Live each day as if it were three.
“2009年9月9日” means “September 9, 2009”. In (Standard) Chinese, all three 9's are pronounced the same: èrlínglíngjiǔ nián jiǔ yuè jiǔ rì. In Japanese, each 9 is pronounced differently: nisenkyū-nen kugatsu kokonoka.
In Latin, most of the third-declension adjectives, such as elegans, nobilis, and velox, have identical feminine and masculine forms, making them perfect for gender-neutral honorifics.
Scientific pitch is no longer the standard, but is still convenient in scientific writing, since the frequencies of all C's correspond exactly to all the powers of two. To reconcile this, I propose that we define 1 Ηζ := 440/256 × 2-9/12 Hz ≈ 1.0220 Hz so that C4 is strictly 256 Ηζ.
Great works of Sci-Fi and Fantasy aren't all about alien technologies and showy magic. The core of all great works of fiction is almost always humanity: Compassion for the human race, reflections on the human society, and hard questions about the human mind and spirit.
More sparks are coming!
This is a spark. A spark is a flash of thought that longs to be read, but is too short to exist as an article on its own. SPARKS are often so crude that you might call them SKRAPS.